Klub 2012 in Becky Jones predstavljata:
Saint Saviour je pevka in pisateljica besedil iz Teeside-a iz Severo-vzhodne Anglije. Preden je postala vodilni vokal Groove Armade in pomagala napisati besedila za njihov album Black Light je nastopala v elekro bandu The RGBs.
Becky Jones zdaj nastopa kot solo izvajalka, posnela je svoj debitantski album, ki bo izšel zdaj v februarju 2012.
Organizator: Maribor 2012
WWW: http://saintsaviour.co.uk/
Video: http://www.youtube.com/v/ErHsvajtxzg&hl=en&fs=1&rel=0&autoplay=1&hd=1
Predprodaja študenti/dijaki: 7€
Predprodaja ostali: 8€
Na dan študenti/dijaki: 9€
Na dan ostali: 10€
Predprodaja kart: samo Eventimova prodajna mesta, Big Bang, Petrol, trafike 3dva...
Concert: BECKY JONES (aka. Saint Saviour)
Saint Saviour is a singer and a songwriter from Teeside in NE England. Before she became the lead vocalist of Groove Armada and co-writing the lyrics for their album Black Light, she was in the electro band The RGBs.
Becky Jones now performs solo, she recorded her debut album that is coming out now in February 2012.
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