V pomladi leta 2003, so Cold Snap začeli ustvarjati energično glasbo, težke »rife«, pisanje provokativnih besedil in sanjanja o igranju na odru, snemanju in izdajanju albumov, glasbenih videov, tisoče oboževalcev in seveda uspeh po vsej črti.
Danes so Cold Snap eni iz med najbolj znanih popularnih metal skupin v južno-vzhodni in srednji Evropi, igrali že več kot 150 koncertov v Nemčiji, Nizozemski, Avstriji, Italiji, Belgiji, Hrvaški, Poljski, Sloveniji, Srbiji, Bosni in Hercegovini in veliko festivalskih nastopov, evropsko turnejo z Pro-Pain (ZDA), ter tudi nastope z bandi kot so Limp Bizkit, Soulfly, Disturbed.
Do sedaj so ustvarili EP "Mea Culpa" (2005), LPs "Empty Promises" (2008, Dancing Bear Records) in "Perfection"(2010, Made in Germany - music, MK II), slednjega je produciral svetovno znan Tue Madsen (Sick Of It All, The Haunted, Moonspell, Neaera, Kataklysm, Heaven Shall Brun itd.). "Perfection" je dobavljiv v 70% sveta. Cold Snap ima tudi 6 videospotov, katere predvajajo na najbolj znanih TV postajah sveta. Imajo veliko pohval in nagrad z strani medijev, drugih znanih skupin, in najbolj pomembno - oboževalcev in gledalcev.
Vsi ti uspehi, prijateljstvo in kolektivna pozitivna energija jim daje moč, da lahko igrajo in delijo našo glasbo, besedila, ideje in načrte z tistimi, ki imajo voljo in čas da jih poslušajo.
Thrash/Heavy metal band BattleX so ustanovili Filip Gornik, Blaž Ekart in Blaž Varžič v juniju leta 2007. V zasedbi sta bila dva kitarista in basist, ki so nujno potrebovali bobnarja. Proti koncu leta 2007 se jim je pridružil Simeon Garkov. Začeli so z cover-ji od Metallice, Guns n' Roses in Nirvane. V začetku leta 2008 se jim je pridružil Matej Slavinec na vokalu. Kmalu se je iz garažnega benda začelo razvijati nekaj več, majhni koncerti v Mariboru in okolici. Med vsem tem so ustvarili tudi nekaj svojega materiala in po dobrem letu igranja dobili idejo, da bi posneli EP The Point Of No Return.
Med pripravami za studio sta zapustila bend kitarist Blaž Ekrat in basist Blaž Varžič, zaradi osebnih razlogov. Preostale člane je naprej gnala njihova glasba in so morali poiskati nova 2 člana. Na bas je kmalu po odhodu Blaža Varžiča prišel, Blaž Lorenčič, ki je bil že pred tem dober prijatelj članov benda. Ker mu je bila glasba všeč, se je kar hitro vklopil v bend. Po nekaj avdicijah za ritem kitarista, so se odločili za Jaka Črešnarja, ki ga je Filip spoznal preko prijatelja.
V tej zasedbi so posneli EP The Point Of No Return.
Z rezervacijo in predprodaja 4€, brez rezervacije na dan 6€.
Predprodaja je v MCju. Prevzem rezervacij je na dan v MCju.
Rezervacije: http://www.pekarna.net/rezervacije
Facebook dogodek: http://www.facebook.com/events/414353885243212/
In the spring of 2003, Cold Snap began making energetic music, heavy riffs, writing provocative lyrics, and dreaming of being on stage, recording and publishing records, music videos, tons of fans, and success in general.
Today, Cold Snap is one of the most famous and most popular metal bands in south-east and middle Europe, having done more than 150 gigs throughout Germany, Holland, Austria, Italy, Belgium, Croatia, Poland, Slovenia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, many festival appearances, a European tour with Pro-Pain from the USA, performances with bands such as Limp Bizkit, Soulfly, Disturbed; an EP "Mea Culpa" (2005), LPs "Empty Promises" (2008, Dancing Bear Records) and "Perfection" (2010, Made in Germany-music, MK II), the latter produced by one of the world's most famous metal producers, Tue Madsen (Sick Of It All, The Haunted, Moonspell, Neaera, Kataklysm, Heaven Shall Burn etc.). "Perfection" can be bought in 70% of the world. Cold Snap also has 6 videos being shown on world famous TV stations. There have also been numerous acclamations and awards from the media, other famous bands, and most importantly - from the fans and the audience.
All these accomplishments, friendship, and the collective positive energy give us strength and push us to share our music, lyrics, ideas and plans with all those who have the will and the time to hear us out.
Battle X
Thrash / Heavy metal band Battle X was founded by Philip Gornik, and Blaz Ekart and Blaž Varžič in June 2007 (two guitarists and bassist) but they had urgently needed a drummer. Towards the end of 2007 joined them Simeon Garkov. They started with covers from Metallica, Guns n 'Roses and Nirvana. In early 2008 joined them Matej Slavinec on vocals. Soon the garage band began to develop into something more, small concerts in Maribor and the surrounding area.... During all this, they created some of their own material, and after a year of playing, they got the idea to record the EP "The Point Of No Return".
During the preparations for the studio, the guitarist Blaž Ekart and bassist Blaž Varžič have left the band for personal reasons. Soon afterVaržič left the band, came bassist Lorenčič Blaž, who was before that a good friend of the band members. He quickly fit into the band. After a few auditions for a rhythm guitarist, they decided for Jaka Črešnar.
In this cast they recorded the EP "The Point Of No Return."
Entry: before & reservation 4€, on day without reservation 6€.
(tickets are at the venue, reservations can be picked up on day of concert on the venue)
Rezervations: http://www.pekarna.net/rezervacije
Facebook event: http://www.facebook.com/events/414353885243212/
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