Tim ‘Ripper’ Owens je nedvomno eden izmed najpomembnejših metalskih vokalistov zadnjih desetih let. Ko je nasledil Roba Halforda in se pridružil Judas Priest maja leta 1996, so se novinarji čudili in bili presenečeni ter impresionirani: Owens je bil pred tem dokaj neznan na mednarodni glasbeni sceni in le nekaj ga je poznalo iz njegovega prejšnjega benda Winters Bane. Toda Owens je posnel prvi album z Judas Priest Jugulator (1997), nominiran za grammyja, z več samozavesti kot so pričakovali celo člani benda. Po uspešnih turnejah z britanskimi metalskimi legendami, močnem studijskem albumu Demolition (2001), albumih v živo Meltdown - 98 Live (1998) in Live in London (2003) ter filmu Rockstar, ki je imel za delno podlago Owensovo sodelovanje z Judas Priest, se je v skupino vrnil Halford. Owensa je v Iced Earth skoraj nemudoma pridobil Jon Schaffer, kjer je odpel The Glorious Burdon spomladi 2004. Tri leta kasneje je Owens spet sodeloval z njimi na njihovem albumu Framing Armageddon (Something Wicked Pt.I), ki je sledil njegovemu samo-naslovljenemu dobro ocenjenemu prvencu njegove skupine Beyond Fear. Spomladi 2008 se je Owens pridružil enemu najboljših kitaristov sveta, Yngwieju Malmsteenu, kjer je debitiral s senzacionalnim vokalnim performansom na albumu Perpetual Flame.
Javna nevihta entuziazma za njegov odličen vokalni performans s švedskim kitaristom Yngwiejem Malmsteenom na albumu Perpetual Flame (2008) se še ni polegla, ko je maja 2009 na police prispel Owensov lasten impresiven in prvi solo album Play My Game, s katerim je dokazal, da ni samo odličen vokalist, ampak tudi zelo talentiran in ekstremno izkušen skladatelj. Play My Game sestavlja dvanajst popolnoma novih pesmi, ki jih je napisal sam ali v sodelovanju z uglednimi prijatelji, kot so Bob Kulick, Chris Caffery (Savatage, Trans-Siberian Orchestra), Mike Callahan (ex-Earshot) in John Comprix (Beyond Fear, Ringworm). »Številni fani so mislili, da je bil prvenec moje skupine Beyond Fear solo projekt, toda Beyond Fear je prava skupina. Vadimo skupaj, skladamo skupaj kot tim, vse delamo skupaj. Play My Game je moj prvi resničen solo trud, pri katerem sem vse sam nadzoroval, od pisanja pesmi do končnega miksa. Ta album je 100% Tim Owens.«
Oboževalcem in strokovnjakom bo ta senzacionalna all-star zasedba zagotovo všeč in lahko ste prepričani, da se bodo nepozabne pesmi brez težav izkazale vredne te odlične zasedbe glasbenikov: Tim »Ripper« Owens še ni nikoli zvenel bolj impresivno, melodično in raznoliko.
Vstopnice v prodaji samo na dan koncerta:
= 10 EUR z rezervacijo
= 13 EUR brez rezervacije
Rezervacije: http://www.sindian-underground.com/rezervacije
FaceBook event: http://www.facebook.com/events/415425655187852/
Tim ‘Ripper’ Owens is without doubt among the most important metal vocalists of the past ten years. When he succeeded Rob Halford, joining Judas Priest in May 1996, the press rubbed their eyes, surprised as well as impressed: Owens had previously been a fairly unknown quantity to international music journalists and only a few new of him from the band Winters Bane, but he recorded his first Priest album, Grammy nominated Jugulator (1997) with more aplomb than even insiders had expected. Following successful tours with the British metal legends, the strong studio recording, Demolition (2001), and the live recordings, Meltdown - 98 Live (1998) and Live In London (2003), and the movie Rockstar, that was loosely based on Tim’s experience with Judas Priest, Halford’s return put an end to Owens’ stint with Judas Priest. More or less immediately, he was enlisted by Jon Schaffer to team up with Iced Earth and sang on The Glorious Burdon in spring 2004. Three years later, Owens followed suit with the Iced Earth album, Framing Armageddon (Something Wicked Pt.I), which succeeded the self-titled highly praised debut by his own band, Beyond Fear. Spring 2008 saw Owens move on to join One of the worlds best guitar players Yngwie Malmsteen, debuting with a sensational vocal performance on Perpetual Flame.
The public storm of enthusiasm for his great vocal performance on Swedish guitarist Yngwie Malmsteen’s Perpetual Flame (2008) haven’t even faded yet as the American Tim ‘Ripper’ Owens’s own impressive offering arrives at the stores: late May 2009 will see the arrival of his first solo album, Play My Game, proving that he’s not only an outstanding vocalist but also a highly talented and extremely experienced composer. Play My Game consists of around a dozen brand-new tracks that Owens composed himself or together with renowned friends, such as Bob Kulick, Chris Caffery (Savatage, Trans-Siberian Orchestra), Mike Callahan (ex-Earshot) and John Comprix (Beyond Fear, Ringworm). “A lot of my fans suspected that the debut by my group, Beyond Fear, had basically been a solo project, but Beyond Fear are a real band. We rehearse together, we compose as a team, and we do everything together. Play My Game is my first real solo effort on which I controlled everything, from the song writing to the final mix. This album is 100% Tim Owens.”
Fans and experts alike will love this sensational all-star line-up and may rest assured that the haunting songs will effortlessly live up to this illustrious cast of musicians: Tim ´Ripper` Owens has never sounded more impressive, melodic and multi-faceted.
Tickets sold only on day of gig:
= 10 EUR with reservation
= 13 EUR without reservation
REZERVATIONS: http://www.sindian-underground.com/rezervacije
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