Koncert je na prošnjo skupine zaradi logističnih težav odpovedan.
Sirocco je leta 2003 v Waterfordu na Irskem ustanovil Jim Tobin in skupina je mešanica trash ritmov, čudovitih kitarskih melodij, impresivnega bobnanja ter udarnega basa, prepletena s številnimi dvojnimi kitarskimi harmonijami in old school heavy metal soloji, kombiniranimi v zvok, ki ga sami imenujejo »Celtic Trash«. V izvorno instrumentalnem bendu je v začetku leta 2007 basist Ciaran O'Cearuill stopil pred mikrofon in dokončno izoblikoval podobo zasedbe, slišimo ga njihovem zadnjem izdanem albumu »The March Through Crimson Frost«, ki so ga uradno izdali v VB in na Irskem aprila 2008 v založbi Code7 Music.
Sirocco so od nastanka izvedli čez 60 nastopov, vključno z nastopom kot support za Exodus, SuidAkrA, Firebird, Crowning Glory, Waylander in Wolfchant, nastopili pa so tudi na Cork Winterfest festivalu 2007 ob skupini Primordial, na DOD festivalu 2008 ob skupini Watain ter na Full Metal Rack festivalu 2008 ob skupini Pagan Altar. Štiričlanska skupina je prav tako nastopila kot headliner z britanskimi metalci Savage Messiah in Heathen Foray novembra 2007 in kot headliner junija 2008 na uvodnem Summer Solstice Pagan Festival festivalu.
Formed in Co. Waterford in 2003 by Jim Tobin, Sirocco are a blend of thrashy rythms, beautiful lead guitar melodies, intricate drumming and pounding bass lines, interleaved with plenty of dual guitar harmonies, and old school heavy metal solos, combined to create a sound which they like to call "Celtic Thrash". Originally an instrumental band, bass player Ciaran O' Cearuill stepped up to the mic in early 2007 to finalize the line-up, and is audible on their most recent release "The March Through Crimson Frost", which was officially released in the U.K. and Ireland release on April 7th, 2008, through Code7 Music.
Sirocco have played over 60 shows since their inception, including support spots for Exodus, SuidAkrA, Firebird, Crowning Glory, Waylander and Wolfchant, as well as playing at the Cork Winterfest 2007 festival alongside Primordial, The DOD 2008 Festival alongside Watain and the Full Metal Rack 2008 Festival alongside Pagan Altar. The 4-piece have also travelled to the U.K., where they played a headlining show with U.K. metallers Savage Messiah and Heathen Foray in November 2007, and again in June 2008 to headline the inaugural Summer Solstice Pagan Festival.
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