LA PAPA VERDE - 10 LET (2002 -2012)
Mestizo CumbiaTon
Zgodba o zelenem krompirju se je začela poleti 2002 v Cologni. Svoj tretji album bodo La Papa Verde izdali pozimi 2012/2013 – velik razlog za slavje.
La Papa Verde na klubski in festivalski sceni v Nemčiji in Evropi s svojim Mestizo-Cumbia tonom zažigajo že 10 let. Toda skupina je daleč od tega, da bi se naveličala, nenehno se razvijajo in njihov zvok je vedno bolj sofisticiran. Rezultat je odrski nastop, ki odnese ne samo gledalce ampak tudi bend sam – na ulici, glasbenem kongresu (ATTAC latinsko-ameriški kongres), v klubih ali na festivalih.
Po dveh albumih in številnih koncertih je skupina začela dihati glasbo – in še vedno je vsak koncert svež in nov. Veliko zaslug za to gre novemu kitaristu iz Venezuele, Luisu Rodriguezu (vihuela&vokali). Z navdušenjem lahko pričakujemo nov album, ki ga bo petčlanska Papa Verde zasedba iz Nemčije, Mehike, Kolumbije in Venezuele predstavila pozimi 2012/2013.
LA PAPA VERDE - 10 YEARS (2002 -2012)
Mestizo CumbiaTon
The story of the green potato began in summer of 2002 in Cologne. The third album is going to be released in winter 2012/13 - a big reason to celebrate.
La Papa Verde rocks for already 10 years club and festival scene in Germany and Europe with their Mestizo-Cumbia Tone. But the Band is far from being tired of it, they grow constantly and their sound becomes more and more sophisticated. What came out was the stage show that sweeps away not only the viewers but the band members, as well - in the street, at the music congress (ATTAC Latin-America Congress), in clubs or festivals.
After the two albums and many concerts the band started breathing with music - and still every concert is so fresh and new. A lot of merit for that goes to a new guitar player from Venezuela, Luis Rodriguez (Vihuela & vocals). We can wait with the excitement for the new album that the 5 Papa Verdes - (green potatoes) from Germany, Mexico, Columbia ad Venezuela are going to present in winter 2012/2013.
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