LAST DAY HERE - Alternative rock/metal
LastDayHere is not the end, it's just a new beginnning. That's how we guys express our music. For us every gig is as important as if it was the last, which is in accordance to the our name based on the saying "live every day as if it was your last". The result is a convincing and powerful live performance every time they hit the stage.
LastDayHere is a story about five individuals who love to create music. The band steps out of the stereotype perspective of modern rock. Well based instrumental parts are spiced up with amazing vocals, and can easily be enjoyed by even the most pretentious listener. Their music is outstanding, authentic and can especially be distinguished by its vocal parts, which is also true for their live performances.
Marko Duplisak - Lead vocals
Uros Borsic - Guitar/vocals
Jure Gorjanc - Guitar
Tomi Senveter - Bass guitar/vocals
Saso Corso - Drums
Spletna stran :
DEAD BY GRACE - Alternative-rock
Band Dead By Grace je začel z delovanjem v letu 2008 vendar prave oblike ni dobil vse do 2011, ko so Jerry, Passo, Palchi, Kit in Chris pričeli z uresničevanjem svoje največje želje - z glasbo navdušiti vsakega, ki jih je pripravljen poslušati. Kljub različnim pogledom na glasbo in svet pa jim ravno to najbolj uspeva. Njihovo glasbo definirajo močni kitarski riffi prepleteni z dovršenimi solažami, podprti s silovito ritem sekcijo, vse skupaj pa povezuje močan, jasen in unikaten vokal. Končni produkt je prvovrstna glasbena izkušnja. Fantje so se spomladi 2011 odpravili v studio in tam posneli svoj prvi demo. Sedaj so pripravljeni, da se svetu predstavijo s svojo glasbo in vam vsem v življenje prinesejo nekaj novega, svežega in unikatnega. Takoj po končanem snemanju dema, se je Jerry odločil zapustiti skupino zaradi časovne stiske. Na njegovo mesto pa se je usedel g. Marin Medja, ki pa je odlično opravil delo v skupini.
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