HCKP / MBHC / MC PEKARNA predstavljajo:
THE LAST CHARGE (Budapest heavy hardcore)
Začeli so v letu 2002, ko so kot skupaj odraščajoči začeli s preigravanjem punkrock/hardcora v svoji garaži.
V letu 2007 je izšel njihov prvenec Charged for life, s katerim so pretourali celotno evropo, v 2009 je bil ponovno izdan na BEATDOWN HARDWEAR. Leta 2012 sledi izdaja drugega albuma Straight outta nowhere, na katerem najdete 11 besnih komadov.
V septembru izdajajo novo plato Anima sola, iz katerega je zunaj že video Order Through Chaos:
IN THE CROSSFIRE (Laško, HC/metal)
I.T.C. is a 5 'piece' band whose members started their first hardcore'' baby steps'' in local bands between 98' /99'. Most of them had a short life-expectancy , nevertheless they were the base, the fundament.
Band was formed in summer 2003. Music they play could be simply described as hardcore/metal crossover. Through 11 years of stage shredding,their sound has been changing/upgrading from the good 'ol oldschool,to new school,until somewhere in 2005 when a growing tendency towards more metalized sound was unanimously accepted. ''Shit'' got more and more bitter,angry, with heavy breakdowns, down tempo parts and pissed off vocals. To sum it up, they're a 90's style metalcore.
NICE ONE BABE (Mađarska, metalcore)
Bend prihaja iz Mađarske in preigrava progressive metalcore v stilu Emmure, Parkway Drive, Animals As Leaders.
Koncert je del koncertnega cikla "jugo-vzhodno"
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