Ta sobota, 08 mar, 2025 | 21:00
Kako ugotoviti, ali je obisk tega koncerta pravilna izbira za vas? Če vsaj na eno od sledečih vprašanj odgovorite pritrdilno, potem vam vašega časa zagotovo ne bo žal:
Imate glasbo radi bolj kot svoj avto?
Dan za vas ne obstaja brez zvoka električne kitare?
Ste dinozaver?
Se radi zadržujete v prostorih, kjer so mitološka bitja?
Ste mnenja, da so Telebajski bolj kul kot Hello Kitty?
Če ste se prebili skozi ta vprašanja in če ste vsaj na enega odgovorili pritrdilno, ste alternativec. Ker se ima KUD Coda za alternativno glasbeno šolo, ki s svoje učence obravnava alternativno, bo alternativen tudi koncert.
Na koncu se bo s kratkim nastopom predstavil še kantavtor Primož Rajtmajer, tudi učenec KUD Coda.
Vstop je prost, vabljeni!
Facebook event:
How to determine whether this concert is the right choice for you? If you answer with YES at least on one of the following questions, you definitely will not regret it:
1. Do you love music more than your car?
2. Day does not exist, if there is not the sound of electric guitar?
4. Like to stay in the rooms with the mythological creatures?
5. You think that the Teletubbies are cooler than Hello Kitty?
If you get through these questions and if you have at least one yes, you are alternative person. Since the KUD Coda is alternative music school, which deals with their students on alternative way, the concert will be alternative too. Admission is free, welcome!
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