Koncerrni cikel "jugo-vzhodno"
VULTURE INDUSTRIES (NOR), DORDEDUH (ROM) AND BLUTMOND (CH) inovativne skupine ekstremnega metala se maja odpravljajo na skupno turnejo "Branches", ki jo bodo zaključili v MC Pekarni.
Pozor! Rezervirane karte bodo personalizirane, kar pomeni, da bodo vsebovale vaše ime ter podpise članov banda. Karte bo oblikoval romnuski oblikovalec Costin Chioreanu.
FB EVENT: https://www.facebook.com/events/262832247223787
S kariero, ki se razteza preko 10. let in z več kot stotimi nastopi pod pasom, so nastopi Norveških avantgardistov Vulture Industries polni tehničnega znanja, ekcentrike ter maničnosti frontmana Bjørnarja E. Nilsena, katerega odrsko čudaštvo privablja mnoge oboževalce. Vulture Indusries so izdali tretji album "The Tower" konec lanskega leta, ko so med drugim tudi tesno sodelovali z Happy Gorilla Dance Company pri projektu "Turning Golem", ki korenini v težjih segmentih eksperimemtalnefa, progresivnega metala in delno gledališke predstave. Videospot za pesem "Lost Among Liars" so posneli skupaj z Choireanu-jem, ki je nedavno gostoval na Kortkino filmskem festivalu na Norveškem.
Več o Volture Industries: http://www.vulture-industries.net/
Jedrni člani so leta 2009, potem ko so zapustili skupino Negura Bunget, ustanovili skupino Dordeduh. Ime sestavlja besedica Dor, ki pomeni hrepenenje oz. globoko občuteno pomanjkanje ter Duh, ki pomeni dušo. Po besedah skupine sestavljenka predstavja borbo pri izražanju pomenskih vrednot, ki nas delajo človeške. Glasbeno so Dordeduh sorodni Neguri Bunget, pri čemer odpirajo nove perspektive z eksperimentiranjem v smeri black metala in uporabi tradicionalnih glasbil.
Več info: https://www.facebook.com/Dordeduh
Od pričetka obstoja leta 2004 Blutmond nikoli niso bili skupina, ki bi se omejevali na določen žanr. Pričeli so kot black metalci, izdali svoj prvenec "Endzeit" leta 2005, nato pa hitro razvili sloves norih in provokativnih nastopov, ki so jih privedli do iskrenega in emotivenga ustvarjanja. Z produkcijsko hiši Code666/Aural Music so leta 2010 ustvarili album “Thirteen Urban Ways 4 Groovy Bohemian Days”, ki mu je sledil album “The Revolution is Dead!”leta 2012. Slednja albuma sta jasno ponazorila, da se skupina podaja na avantgardno pot z dodano ostrino.
Več info: https://www.facebook.com/blutmond.official
Skupina igra Pagan Death Metal. Njihova diskografija obsega štiri albume, zadnji je izšel Grief For An Idol leta 2013.
VEČ INFO: http://www.panychida.com/
Še več informacij:
Vulture Industries Website: http://www.vulture-industries.net
Vulture Industries on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/vultureindustries
Vulture Industries on SoundCloud: http://soundcloud.com/vulture-industries
Vulture Industries WebShop: http://vultureindustries.bigcartel.com/
Vulture Industries on MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/vultureindustries
Vulture Industries on ReverbNation: http://www.reverbnation.com/vultureindustries
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Dordeduh
MySpace: https://myspace.com/officialdordeduh
Website: http://www.dordeduh.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/blutmond.official
Soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/jerrydajester
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/BMCHUGBM
Webshop: http://blutmondbebopstore.bigcartel.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Jerry_BLUTMOND
MySpace: https://myspace.com/blutmondofficial
Web Site: http://www.blutmond.ch/
Webs Site: www.panychida.com/
With a career spanning 10 years and with over 100 shows under their belts, the live performances of Norwegian avant-gardists VULTURE INDUSTRIES are well known both for their technical skill and the eccentric and somewhat manic antics of frontman Bjørnar E. Nilsen, whose on-stage weirdness has garnered a multitude of fans for the band over the years. VULTURE INDUSTRIES released their third full-length album, “The Tower” on Season of Mist at the end of last year and have collaborated extensively the HAPPY GORILLA DANCE COMPANY in the “Turning Golem” project which is part concert rooted in the heavier segment of experimental/progressive metal and part theatre performance. The band's video for “Lost Among Liars”, made together with CHOIREANU, recently featured at this year’s Kort and Kortkino Film Festival, Sandnes, Norway. More information about VULTURE INDUSTRIES can be found at http://www.vulture-industries.net/
After leaving NEGURA BUNGET, core members and principal song writers Hupogrammos and Sol Faur founded DORDEDUH in 2009. The band's name combines the word ‘Dor', which means a yearning for something or a deeply felt the lack of something, together with the term for spirit ‘Duh'. According to the musicians, this amalgamation represents the struggle to express those meaningful values that make us human by uniting the soul and the spirit. Music-wise, DORDEDUH follows the path of NEGURA BUNGET, but rather than follow it slavishly, they open up new perspectives by experimenting with a fresh approach to Black Metal and the use of traditional instruments. More information about DORDEDUH can be found at https://www.facebook.com/Dordeduh
Since its formation in 2004 BLUTMOND has never been a band that has been happy to limit itself to a formulaic nod in the direction of a particular genre. Starting out as a Black Metal band and releasing their first full length album “Endzeit” in 2006, BLUTMOND quickly developed a reputation for their insane and provocative live shows, which, whilst raising their profile throughout Europe, also led them to realise that the time had come to create something that was more emotional and honest. With Code666/Aural Music picking up their sophomore full-length album, “Thirteen Urban Ways 4 Groovy Bohemian Days” appeared in 2010, followed at the end of 2012 by “The Revolution is Dead!”, once again on Code666. These two albums demonstrated that BLUTMOND was obviously forging ahead down a more avant-garde path, but one that definitely has a distinctive edge to it. More information about BLUTMOND can be found at https://www.facebook.com/blutmond.official
Pagan Death Metal Group formed in 2006. Their forth album Grief For An Idol was released in December 2013 in cooperation with Werewolf Productions (CZ), Cursed Records (AT) and Paragon Records (USA).
More info: http://www.panychida.com/
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